Lead with LUV: A Different Way to Create Real Success

Lead with LUV: A Different Way to Create Real Success - 'Ken Blanchard',  'Colleen Barrett' Can I tell you a secret? I love to read books on leadership and business. I find out what makes companies tick, and it's fascinating.This book is one of the best I've ever read, and I think that all Leaders in business should read it. According to authors Ken Blanchard and Colleen Barrett, that means everyone: everyone is a Leader in some way."Lead with Luv" is the story of Southwest Airlines' unusual business philosophy. They believe that their employees come first (followed by customers), because employees who are well-cared for and respected turn that behavior toward their customers. I think we can all say that we have, at one time or another, worked for a firm that treated us as cogs in a wheel and not as individuals; Southwest's philosophy is diametrically opposed to that.The book is written as a conversation between the two authors. Blanchard and Barrett share anecdotes, either from the perspective of a former CEO for Southwest (Barrett started her career as the original CEO's executive secretary) or a management expert who uses Southwest's Services (Blanchard is the author of "The One Minute Manager"). Barrett also shares quotes from letters sent to Southwest by customers and employees over the years that shed further light on the company's concepts.I found myself smiling throughout the book, and really considering the questions in the "Stop and Think" boxes that ask readers to ponder their own firm's policies and responses.The book is very short, but vitally important. If you want your firm to succeed, you could not do better than to follow the simple concepts outlined in "Lead With LUV."