What if you could change your life by changing the direction of your thoughts?I know that this sounds like what one acquaintance of mine calls "woo-woo,"but bear with me.Esther and Jerry Hicks are presenting information from Abraham, a Non-Physical Being. (Think Jane Roberts and Seth.) Abraham shares ideas about how the direction of our thoughts manifests change in our lives, and some practical ideas/exercises to help you with the process.I have been doing gratitude work for nearly a year now (that happens to be one of the exercises) and can attest that once you start looking for things to appreciate, more opportunities appear. I started focusing on what I wanted to like, instead of what I didn't want to like (Abraham says focusing attention on what you don't want brings it to you because of your direction) and discovered changes in my life.I am open-minded enough to give some of these exercises a shot because I've seen what the gratitude work does. Esther and Jerry Hicks present their information with a light heart and good humor, and it's worth investigating.