The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing (for Indie Authors)

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing (for Indie Authors) - Sarah R. Yoffa I tend to read business books with one philosophy in mind: if you find one new/great idea in the book, even if you discard everything else, the book was worth your time.Well, I found way more than one new/great idea in this book. Author Sarah R. Yoffa has put together a great list of marketing and branding concepts in this brief eBook, and made them easy to understand and apply.I was about halfway through the book when I realized I needed to implement one of her ideas *now,* not later. So, I did it. How will it pay off? Hard to say. But when a book makes you stop reading to do something, it's packing a powerful punch.Highly recommended for small publishers and indie authors alike, Yoffa's book is sure to make you think (and perhaps re-think) your marketing strategy.