Overall score: 3.75 stars. If the editing were better, this would be 4.5 stars or more."Olivia's Mine" is the story of Olivia Fitzpatrick, a young married woman living in a Canadian mining town in the early 20th century. We see her through an abusive marriage, trying to run a business of her own and find her place in what passes for society in little Britannia Beach.McCaw deals with very real issues of women's rights, coverture law, racial prejudice and more in this story. There were a great many things to like.Unfortunately, I found myself jerked out of the tale by editorial issues like using a possessive apostrophe when a plural was intended, homophone errors ("last rights" instead of "last rites") and errors like "Aryan sweater" where "Arran sweater" was intended. It's kind of a shame, because the story line was very good and kept me interested. I cared about the characters, but the poor editing was a real distraction.I hope that the author will have the book edited and re-issue it; it really is a worthwhile tale that deserves better packaging.