A Fearful Storm Gathering (The Volcano Lady, #1)

A Fearful Storm Gathering (The Volcano Lady, #1) - T.E. MacArthur I guess I should start with a confession: I'd never read a steampunk novel before this one. I didn't think I'd like them.If they're all like "The Volcano Lady" stories, I clearly need to investigate more of them. T.E. MacArthur has created a world of amazing machines and imaginative characters, all in situations that are both wildly unlikely and highly believable.Her heroine, Dr. Lettie Gantry, is a vulcanologist trying to develop a mathematical equation to predict eruptions. In the process of her research, she runs afoul of some rather nefarious folk. To say more would be to deliver spoilers, and that is something I definitely want to avoid.MacArthur's research into the late 19th century is meticulous. She shows us manners, morals and mores while telling an entertaining tale that I honestly did not want to have end. I'm champing at the bit for Volume 2!Highly recommended for fans of science fiction, steampunk, gaslight romance and the tales of Jules Verne.