The Katrina Diary

The Katrina Diary - Amy Rohde Every now and then, I find myself reading a book that I simply cannot put down. Amy Rohde's "The Katrina Diary" was just such a story.Rohde writes of her family's experiences as evacuees from New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and then having to leave their little home in Jasper, Texas, ahead of Hurricane Rita. Her diaries talk of living on snack mix, not having water, power or plumbing -- in other words, putting a face on the life of evacuees. She talks about other people she meets along the way who are fellow evacuees, or people who give generously to help total strangers make their way.There are wonderful stories of hope, such as the church that put on suppers for the evacuees or the day that Rohde discovered, via the internet, that another evacuee's family member was safe in Houston. The joy and generosity in such desperate times rings through as relief from the difficulties.Like so many, I was devastated by what I saw of Hurricane Katrina's aftermath when I watched the coverage on television. I felt helpless to do anything but send donations; it was great to read about how those donations were used and appreciated by those who had lost so much.It was also a relief to read Rohde's story of hope and what I see as dauntless courage in telling her story. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.